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Group Flight Packages in Potomac, MD

WorldTravelService® Offers Affordable and Dependable Group Airfare Packages throughout the Potomac, MD Area

Booking an international flight is a level of difficulty far beyond your typical domestic travel. You have to consider time zone changes, how jet lag might affect you for the next day’s agenda, and even the baggage regulations of traveling between specific countries. Booking airfare for an entire group of people to fly internationally can be a complete headache for even an experienced traveler.

WorldTravelService® can help.

Our agents are experts in all aspects of group travel, including:

Are you looking for group flight discounts in Potomac, MD? Our strong relationship with our air partners allows us to negotiate air fares, often at rates far below the lowest promotional fare levels and without burdensome restrictions.

Call our group travel agents at 800-676-3796 today to book your trip!

Your Nearest Office Location

Looking for a corporate travel agency near Potomac? Our Reston travel agency is only a short distance away.

Want to book a cruise or other leisure travel trip from Potomac? Our agents in our nearby Reston travel agency are ready to help.

Group Airfare Discounts in Potomac, MD

Did you know you can actually save money by booking your group flight with a travel agency? WorldTravelService® has partnered with the world’s largest global distribution system, Amadeus. Amadeus is used by 70 of the world’s leading airlines including:

  • British Airways
  • Lufthansa
  • Air France
  • United
  • And more!

We work in conjunction with leading air carriers, which allows our travel agents to secure outstanding fares and other services for our clients. As part of the world’s largest global distribution system, we have access to an unlimited range of route options and discounts to help you get the cheapest group airfare possible. This makes planning your trip much easier and gives us the opportunity to offer perks that other Potomac, MD travel agencies cannot.

Booking Your Group Flight in Potomac, MD

When booking flights for group travel, we use a number of advanced systems to ensure that you get the best flights—and the best service—at the lowest fares.

  • FareCk™ – Our fare search engine finds the best ticket price available while checking alternative flights, fares, and airlines 24/7. Its flexible system works with corporate guidelines and policies.
  • WaitListCk™ – In the event that your preferred flight is sold out, WaitListCk™ monitors the wait list and confirms your seat as soon as one becomes available.
  • SeatFinderCk™ – Want to avoid the dreaded middle seat? Our clients get aisle and window seats 90 percent of the time, thanks to this sophisticated system. It uses live seat maps to monitor the availability of any possible request: aisle, window, front or back, right or left side, bulkhead, and aisles across. It can coordinate multiple passengers on the same reservation or two travelers on separate reservations.
  • ECk™ Tracking Module – Never lose track of refunds, credits, or coupons ever again. ECk™ tracks unused electronic tickets so that any refund, exchange, or credit opportunity is retained and applied.

We use a top of the line global distribution system that enables us to collect and organize group air travel reservations into a consolidated plan. It provides a real-time link to airline databases, enabling us to work quickly and efficiently to plan your travel and handle any problems that may crop up.

Your Trusted Group Travel Agents in Potomac, MD

You will be guided to and from your destination by a team of highly experienced group travel agents and technological systems that track and manage every aspect of your trip. You and your group will never be lost, stuck, overcharged, or unable to get immediate assistance while you are in the hands of WorldTravelService®.

Thousands of happy travelers trust their travel needs with us. We hope you’ll give us the chance to show you why we are considered one of the best. We are committed to providing high-quality, cost-effective group travel management to clients throughout Potomac, MD.

Let us take care of booking your group airfare. Call today at 800-676-3796.