Contact Us: Telephone: (301) 816-8991 or (800) 638-8500Fax: (301) 816-0715E-Mail: [email protected] SUMMER STEM SCHOLARSHIP Travel FormFields marked with an * are requiredPlease enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Session Choice *Select From DropdownSession 1 (June 2-7)Session 2 (June 9-14)Session 3 (June 16-20)REQUIRED TSA SECURE FLIGHT INFORMATION FOR ALL TRAVELERS:This information will be XX’d out for security on the email copy you receive, however we will have access to it on our secure site.Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY Format): *Sex *MaleFemaleTraveler's Legal Name: (Passport Necessary for International Travel)Title:Mr.Mrs.Ms.First Name: *Middle Name:Middle NameNo Middle NameLast Name: *Suffix(Tickets issued electronically unless otherwise requested.)Traveler's Email:Traveler's Cell:Home Phone:Guardian/Parent's Name: *Guardian/Parent's Phone: *Guardian/Parent's Email: *Trip Information:Trip Information: *From (City/Airport) | To (USNA/BWI)Additional Comments:Disclaimer on cancellation and refunds *I AgreeI understand that the program participant and their parents/guardians will be financially responsible and required to reimburse the U.S. Naval Academy/Candidate Guidance Fund for the travel costs if the ticket is altered, cancelled or left unused. If this directive is not adhered to, it will be reflected on the student's contact record at the United States Naval Academy (USNA) Office of Admissions.Submit